My problem in short: I am unable to setup multiple instances of tomcat.
This started to happen on a new Ubuntu 16.04 setup with tomcat8. The same configuration works fine on Ubuntu 12.04 with tomcat7.
I've installed tomcat8 and tomcat8-user:
apt-get install tomcat8
apt-get install tomcat8-user
Then I create new instance of tomcat:
tomcat8-instance-create -p 8081 -c 8006 -w shutdown-test /var/lib/tomcat8-test
I copy all the necessary tomcat work and conf files and folders. Next I copy tomcat8 script for new instance:
/etc/init.d# cp tomcat8 tomcat8-test
I update the script with new data like that:
/etc/init.d# nano tomcat8-test
# file contents
DESC="Tomcat 8 Test instance"
And finally I try to update the new script for a service link:
/etc/init.d# update-rc.d tomcat8-test defaults 90
I got the following messages:
insserv: script tomcat8-test: service tomcat8 already provided! insserv: exiting now!
update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header
Has anyone else experienced something like this?
All I managed to find myself is this:
source: [][1]
insserv: script X: service Y already provided!
Bug in the package with script X: The facility provided in script /etc/init.d/X uses a non-unique value. Changing it to a unique value (for example the script name without .sh ending), solves the issue.
It started to work after I additionally modified script inside /etc/init.d/tomcat8-test from:
That's strange, that I did not needed to update that on ubuntu 12.04 with tomcat7 :). I thought that it's just a comments, but it looks like it's executing somehow.