I want to add replicas to new instances using PySolr/or via api calls.
Scenario: For updating AMIs of EC2 instances on which Solr is running with 0 downtime, I have planned to add new instances(with new AMI) add replica on new instances and then decommision the old replicas and instances once the replicas have copied successfully on new instances
I am trying to do this using PySolr. Can someone guide on how new replicas are added using PySolr: https://github.com/django-haystack/pysolr/tree/5c3a68447734e77be9e9648b184f8d600fd661c5
if it is not possible via PySolr can this be done by solrpy or Simple Python
Can something like Autoscaling be achived by PySolr? https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_2/solrcloud-autoscaling-overview.html#quick-start-automatically-adding-replicas
I am new to Solr, examples will be very aprreciated
Thank you