Add months but the parameter is from the data JCL

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I have data like this


I want to add the months from column 11-18, with the value from 24-26

I am thinking about the outrec field is like this


But when I try it , it give rc=0016, because of the operand error ,

I am thinking about store the value of 24,3 to a variable then i put it to variable , but i dont know if JCL can provide that .. anyone can help?

Notes : i use dfsort , not icetool

and i dont want to hardcode it because i already try 11,8,Y4T,ADDMONS,+12,TOGREG=Y4T(-), and it works but if can , iwant to replace the "+12" with the value from column 24-26


There are 3 answers

apo On

I'm not aware of a way to do this with plain DFSORT.

For instance PARSE would not work, because it would fail to resolve %2:


You might want to look at sort exits if you'd like to go with DFSORT.

Q.Reindeerson On

You get a bad return code because DFSORT doesn't know how to interpret the three bytes you gave it with 24,3.

You should use : 11,8,Y4T,ADDMONS,24,3,ZD,TOGREG=Y4T(-)

The ZD that I have inserted means : Zoned Decimal. It corresponds to a PIC 9 USAGE DISPLAY in Cobol.

You can interpret COMP-3 with PD and COMP-5 or BINARY with BI.

phunsoft On

The syntax diagram for ADDMONS for your case is shown as:


You're missing the f subparameter. Since the number of months to add is a series of digits, the format would be UFF. I ran this sort job:

//SORT#010 EXEC     PGM=ICEMAN                                     
//SYSOUT   DD       SYSOUT=*                                       
//SYSPRINT DD       SYSOUT=*                                       
//SORTIN   DD       *                                              
//SORTOUT  DD       SYSOUT=*                                       
//SYSIN    DD       *                                              
           SORT     FIELDS=COPY                                    
           OUTREC FIELDS=(11,8,Y4T,ADDMONS,24,3,UFF,TOGREG=Y4T(-)) 

The result in SORTOUT is:


Is this what you wanted?