Add external property to OntModel

131 views Asked by At

I want to create an ontology using Jena.

In my OntModel, I defined a class Person which is equivalent to foaf:Person because my class Person could have foaf:Person's properties and also a property that I define myself (hasHairColor).

String NS = "";
model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel();
OntClass person = model.createClass(NS + "Person");

//adding a property that I define myself
DatatypeProperty hairColor = model.createDatatypeProperty(ns + "hasHairColor");
model.getOntClass(ns+"Person").addProperty(hairColor, model.createOntResource(XSD.xstring));

I want to add foaf:Person's birthday property into my class Person, I've tried two ways but they don't seem to be the rights ways:

  1. creating a new Datatype property:
String property = "";
String typeProperty = "";
DatatypeProperty extenalProperty = model.createDatatypeProperty(property);
model.getOntClass(ns+"Person").addProperty(extenalProperty, model.getOntResource(typeProperty));

In this way, it writes out the property correctly in my Ontology output file (in turtle format), but it rewrites also the foaf:birthday property:

foaf:birthday  a     owl:DatatypeProperty ;
        rdfs:domain  Lto:Person ;
        rdfs:range   rdfs:Literal .

myOnt:Person  a                         owl:Class ;
        myOnt:hasHairColor            xsd:string ;
        owl:equivalentClass           foaf:Person ;
        foaf:birthday                 rdfs:Literal .
  1. Getting the Property Resource of my OntModel:
String property = "";
String typeProperty = "";
model.getOntClass(ns+"Person").addProperty((DatatypeProperty)model.createOntResource(property), model.getOntResource(typeProperty));

In this way, it raises an error of NullPointerException so it doesn't work neither.

Could anyone show me which is the right way to do in this case? Thanks a lot in advance for your help!


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