Add external jar to the project and build process using maven

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I have a maven multi-module project working. I also have a code (abc.jar-non maven) with some feature's to be integrated into one of the module(say module1) of existing maven project. How would i import abc.jar into my maven project? I tried the following: Created /src/main/lib and copied jar into lib. Configured pom.xml with:


Also tried using <systemPath>${project.basedir}/lib/abc.jar</systemPath> But, it warns 'dependencies.dependency.systemPath' for abc:abc:jar should not point at files within the project directory, unresolvable. I was told, it could be achieved using assembly. But i could not achieve. Please help. I'm using maven 2.4v


There are 4 answers

zforgo On

Use ${basedir} or ${project.basedir} expression instead of ${base.dir} variable. All expression is case-sensitive.

You can try it by maven-help-plugin's evaluate goal.

mvn help:evaluate

Twinkle On

Follow this below link you will find the solution,

Qingwei Xu On

SystemPath is working fine to me, and try to use ${baseDir} instead of ${base.dir}, or change maven version to 3.0

srikanth On

Thanks. I have tried using assembly plugin to do the task. And it worked.

