I'm have a drop down select that adds the option to the wp core/code block pre tag class. I need to add the class to the code tag that is inside of the pre tag. I am new to react/gutenberg custom blocks and not sure how to go about this.
* Add custom class to block in Edit
const withSidebarSelectProp = createHigherOrderComponent( ( BlockListBlock ) => {
return ( props ) => {
// If current block is not allowed
if ( ! enableSidebarSelectOnBlocks.includes( props.name ) ) {
return (
<BlockListBlock { ...props } />
const { attributes } = props;
const { codeAttribute } = attributes;
if ( codeAttribute ) {
return <BlockListBlock { ...props } className={ 'language-' + codeAttribute } />
} else {
return <BlockListBlock { ...props } />
}, 'withSidebarSelectProp' );