I have a map and annotations saved in core data with latitude and longitude and description, i want to get the lat and longit values and add a annotation in Map, but how can i add all the annotations from core data? i only know who add one, not all. This is part of code:
func displayLocationInfo(placemark:CLPlacemark){
lat.text = String(stringInterpolationSegment: placemark.location.coordinate.latitude);
long.text = String(stringInterpolationSegment: placemark.location.coordinate.longitude);
latitude = lat.text!
longitude = long.text!
var latD:CLLocationDegrees = 0.1
var longD:CLLocationDegrees = 0.1
var la:CLLocationDegrees = (latitude as NSString).doubleValue
var lo:CLLocationDegrees = (longitude as NSString).doubleValue
var span:MKCoordinateSpan = MKCoordinateSpanMake(latD, longD)
var locat:CLLocationCoordinate2D = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(la, lo)
var reg:MKCoordinateRegion = MKCoordinateRegionMake(locat, span)
mapRadar.setRegion(reg, animated: true)
var anotacao = MKPointAnnotation()
anotacao.coordinate = locat
anotacao.title = "Nos"
anotacao.subtitle = "ESTG"