I want to add image overlay on video.
For that I followed this tutorial. Now I want to add fade in for 1 second and fade out after 5 second for 1 second. For that I written following code.
CALayer *overlayLayer1 = [CALayer layer];
[overlayLayer1 setContents:(id)[overlayImage CGImage]];
overlayLayer1.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
[overlayLayer1 setMasksToBounds:YES];
CALayer *overlayLayer2 = [CALayer layer];
[overlayLayer2 setContents:(id)[overlayImage CGImage]];
overlayLayer2.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
[overlayLayer2 setMasksToBounds:YES];
CALayer *overlayLayer3 = [CALayer layer];
[overlayLayer3 setContents:(id)[overlayImage CGImage]];
overlayLayer3.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
[overlayLayer3 setMasksToBounds:YES];
CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"opacity"];
animation.fromValue=[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0];
animation.toValue=[NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0];
animation.beginTime = AVCoreAnimationBeginTimeAtZero;
[overlayLayer1 addAnimation:animation forKey:@"animateOpacity"];
animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"opacity"];
animation.fromValue=[NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0];
animation.toValue=[NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0];
animation.beginTime = CACurrentMediaTime() + 1.0;
[overlayLayer2 addAnimation:animation forKey:@"animateOpacity"];
animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"opacity"];
animation.fromValue=[NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0];
animation.toValue=[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0];
animation.beginTime = CACurrentMediaTime() + 6.0;
[overlayLayer3 addAnimation:animation forKey:@"animateOpacity"];
[parentLayer addSublayer:overlayLayer1];
[parentLayer addSublayer:overlayLayer2];
[parentLayer addSublayer:overlayLayer3];
composition.animationTool = [AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool videoCompositionCoreAnimationToolWithPostProcessingAsVideoLayer:videoLayer inLayer:parentLayer];
But when I ran this code there is no animation for image overlay. Just image is displaying for all time.
I've used GPUImage for some other action in this project.
If through GPUImage I can do this then please help me to solve with this also.
Please help me to solve this issue.
I think your problem is that you are adding animation for same key.
Try below code where I'm suggesting you to create another object for animation and use another key.
Hope this works...