I have a Custom Query that look like this
self.account.websites.find(:all,:joins => [:group_websites => {:group => :users}],:conditions=>["users.id =?",self])
where self is a User Object
I manage to generate the equivalent SQL for same
Here how it look
sql = "select * from websites INNER JOIN group_websites on group_websites.website_id = websites.id INNER JOIN groups on groups.id = group_websites.group_id INNER JOIN group_users ON (groups.id = group_users.group_id) INNER JOIN users on (users.id = group_users.user_id) where (websites.account_id = #{account_id} AND (users.id = #{user_id}))"
With the decent understanding of SQL and ActiveRecord I assumed that(which most would agree on) the result obtained from above query might take a longer time as compare to result obtained from find_by_sql(sql) one.
But Surprisingly
When I ran the above two I found the ActiveRecord custom Query leading the way from ActiveRecord "find_by_sql" in term of load time here are the test result
ActiveRecord Custom Query load time
Website Load (0.9ms)
Website Columns(1.0ms)
find_by_sql load time
Website Load (1.3ms)
Website Columns(1.0ms)
I repeated the test again an again and the result still the came out the same(with Custom Query winning the battle)
I know the difference aren't that big but still I just cant figure out why a normal find_by_sql query is slower than Custom Query
Can Anyone Share a light on this.
Thanks Anyway
Regards Viren Negi
Well, the reason is probably quite simple - with custom SQL, the SQL query is sent immediately to db server for execution. Remember that Ruby is an interpreted language, therefore Rails generates a new SQL query based on the ORM meta language you have used before it can be sent to the actual db server for execution. I would say additional 0.1 ms is the time taken by framework to generate the query.