Action method never invoked

90 views Asked by At

I'm working on a java web application with play framework 1.2.4. In my view, I try to invoke a method in the controller but it doesn't work. Here is the view code :

%{ url='/'+lang+'/artists/item?.name?.asString()+'-'+item?.id?.asString(); }% 
<a href="${url}"></a>

So the url is something like localhost:9000/en/artists/artistName-artistId, for the action code :

public static void artistView(String lang, String artistName, String artistId, String mode)  {
    //my code here

the routes conf :

GET     /{<(fr)|(en)|(ar)>lang}/artists/{artistName}-{<[0-9]{32}>artistId}                                                      MyControllerName.artistView(mode:'overview')

With this, my action is never invoked. What did I do wrong ? Thanks in advance.


There are 1 answers


First, I see your URL is wrong, it should be:

%{ url='/'+lang+'/artists/'+item?.name?.asString()+'-'+item?.id?.asString(); }% 

Anyway, I think you can fix it.

Second, I think you want your artistId is the number from 1 character to 32 characters, not exactly 32 characters.

So, route.conf should be:

GET     /{<(fr)|(en)|(ar)>lang}/artists/{artistName}-{<[0-9]{,32}>artistId}                                                      MyControllerName.artistView(mode:'overview')

Please read more about Regular Expression if you want to know why?

Note: (mode:'overview') will be no effect. If you want to set default, please do it in your controller like:

if (mode == null) mode = "overview";

Hope that help.