Accurev: scripts to pull code from other streams

534 views Asked by At

I have a core source of code that is shared in projects. I would like to have a script that, when the 'parent' has a workspace is created, that the children have their workspaces created as well.

This would help the developers not miss any references.

Thanks for the help.

EDIT: Solution:

I created a windows CL batch that

  • checks if the folder exists on the file system, if not
  • them call accurev mkws, followed by accurev pop.

It works fine


There are 1 answers


Here is an example of the solution I came up with. It is missing items like, updating a dependency WS creation if it already exits . ... .

I created a bat file in the 'parent' stream. Then commands (in a bat file), are run to get the children.


IF NOT EXIST [filesystem location for stream] 
(accurev mkws -w [stream name] -b [stream name] -l [location to put the stream]  accurev pop -O -R -L [location to put the stream]) 
else  @echo ~[stream name] already exists