here's the idea: I have an orderedDict like so (simplified):
{'012013': 3, '022013': 1, '032013': 5}
what I want to do is make all the values accumulated by somehow iterating through it. E.G., I want the final result to resemble this (based on the above example)
{'012013': 3, '022013': 4, '032013': 9}
I was thinking something along these lines but clearly there'd need to be a way to determine previous keys.
for key, value in month_dictionary.iteritems():
month_dictionary[key] = month_dictionary[key] + month_dictionary[previous_key]
I assume this isn't bad practice because orderedDict implies that it maintains order so it should be stable, no? How would I go about doing this?
thank you
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Ordering won't be affected; only new keys would add to the ordering.