Accessing deduced method calls with auto keyword from header file

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Take the following class:


template<typename T1>
class BasicOperations
        T1 num;

        template<typename T1, typename T2>
        BasicOperations() : num(0) {}

        template<typename T1, typename T2> 
        auto addition(T1 num1, T2 num2) -> decltype(T1 + T2) const { return num1 + num2; }

I have begun using auto and from my research found that this is how to declare the function addition as listed in the above code.

However, when I try to call the method in my Main(), I cannot figure out the syntax to properly call addition... I have open ended questions, but what exactly is wrong with/ how exactly do I syntactically call the addition function from my main...


#include <iostream>
#include "BasicOperations.h"

int main()
    int x = 10, y = 5;
    BasicOperations<int> t(int, int);

    //std::cout << t.addition( x, y ) << '\n'; Error: expression must have class type

There are 1 answers


In the main, this BasicOperations<int> t(int, int); as said by another user, is meaningless. When using the debugger, it showed as a function declaration, instead of its intended purpose as constructor. Even though local functions can't be defined, they can still be declared. So even though t exists, it is a function and therefore in t.addition() it can't recognize t as an object of class BasicOperations that contains the method addition.

Quick fix:

template<typename T1>
class BasicOperations
        T1 num;

        //template<typename T1, typename T2>
        BasicOperations() : num(0) {}

        template<typename T1, typename T2> 
        auto addition(T1 num1, T2 num2) -> decltype(num1 + num2) const { return num1 + num2; }

int main()
    int x = 10, y = 5;
    BasicOperations<int> t;

    std::cout << t.addition( x, y ) << '\n'; 
    return 0;

Eliminate template<typename T1, typename T2> above default constructor. Also in -> decltype(T1 + T2) should be changed to -> decltype(num1 + num2).

When using template constructors, there is no way to explicitly specify the template arguments when calling a constructor template. This means that one cannot write:

BasicOperations<int> t<int,int>();

Instead, the types of the templates must be deduced through argument deduction. However, the constructor in the code takes no arguments, that is why BasicOperations<int> t(int,int); is read as a function declaration instead.