Accessing certain elements of an array in arm assembler

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I have a problem which is bugging me for multiple days now... I call a function from c which is implemented in arm assembler on a raspberry pi using the neon module. The signature looks like the following: void doStuff(const uint32_t key[4])

I can load all the values into d-registers using VLD4.32 {d6-d9}, [r0]. The problem is that I have to use a value at a certain index of the array which is calculated at runtime. So I have to access the array at an index which I only know at runtime. In c, the code I want to achieve would look like this:

// calculations
int i = ... // 'i' is the index of value in the array
int result = key[i];

In assembler I tried this:

VMOV        r8, s22         ;@ copy the calculated index into an arm register
MOV         r8, r8, LSL #0x2;@ multiply with 4
ADD         r8, r5, r8      ;@ add offset to base adress
VLDR.32     d14, [r8]         ;@ load from adress into d-register

I also tried multiplying with 2 and 32 instead of 4. But I always get the value 3.

I got it working with this stupid and very slow solution:

;@ <--- very slow and ugly --->
VLD4.32     {d6-d9}, [r1]   ;@ load 4x32bit from adress *r1

VMOV        r6, s22         ;@ r6 now contains the offset which is either 0,1,2 or 3
CMP         r6, #0x0        ;@ 3 - 0 == 0 -> Z set
BEQ         equal0

CMP         r6, #0x1
BEQ         equal1

CMP         r6, #0x2
BEQ         equal2

VMOV        d12, d9         ;@ has to be 3 
B           continue

VMOV        d12, d6
B           continue

VMOV        d12, d7
B           continue

VMOV        d12, d8
B           continue

;@ <---                           --->

I basically have an if for every possible number and then select the corresponding register.



Okay it works with VLD1.32 d14, [r8]. Do not quite unterstand why it won't work with VLDR.32, though.


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