I am using a memoized selector via the react reselect library and I'm having trouble accessing the state value to see if it's set or not.
I would like to be able to do something like this to check:
const room = selectRoomById('roomId1');
if (room) {
console.log('this room exists in the global.rooms store');
The store looks like this:
global: {
rooms: {
"roomId1": {
"name": "room 1"
"roomId2": {
"name": "room 2"
Here's what mapStateToProps
(this part is working) and my selectors look like:
const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => {
return createStructuredSelector({
room: selectRoomById(props.params.roomId)
const selectGlobal = () => (state) => state.get('global');
const selectRoomById = (roomId) => createSelector(
(globalState) => globalState.getIn(['rooms', roomId])
When I do
I get a function back, and I'm not able to get the value I'm looking for. I think this is because I'm using createSelector
but I'm not sure. Does anyone know how I could access the value of the selector?
I had to use toJS() in my selector...
ImmutableJS was adding a layer of complication here.
Rather than using toJS (which is costly) I'm going to just use .get and .getIn in the component