It seems, that JShell
object created inside another JShell
does not have access to parent's JShell
scope. For instance:
jshell> int x = 1;
x ==> 1
jshell> x
x ==> 1
jshell> jdk.jshell.JShell js = jdk.jshell.JShell.create();
js ==> jdk.jshell.JShell@1a052a00
jshell> js.eval("x");
$4 ==> [SnippetEvent(snippet=Snippet:ErroneousKey#1-x,previousStatus=NONEXISTENT,status=REJECTED,isSignatureChange=false,causeSnippetnull)]
jshell> js.eval("int x = 2;");
$5 ==> [SnippetEvent(snippet=Snippet:VariableKey(x)#2-int x = 2;,previousStatus=NONEXISTENT,status=VALID,isSignatureChange=true,causeSnippetnullvalue=2)]
jshell> js.eval("x");
$6 ==> [SnippetEvent(snippet=Snippet:ExpressionKey(x)#3-x,previousStatus=NONEXISTENT,status=VALID,isSignatureChange=true,causeSnippetnullvalue=2)]
Is it somehow possible to make parent scope visible to the child one?
According to this the one big caveat about JShell is: it runs in its own JVM.
The javadoc for create() says:
And when you follow to the javadoc for build(), you find:
In other words: most likely, you are creating another JVM instance where that other shell runs. So at least for now: no chances of having a child jshell know about its parent.
( as in: I seriously hope that this REPL feature of Java will allow at some future point to attach a JShell to an already running JVM )