Access testData from beforeEach for parameterized test

92 views Asked by At

I do want to create test data in the beforeEach method and access that data to give to the parameterized test but I get an error TS2454: Variable  testData  is used before being assigned.

describe('Test', async () => {
  let testProduct: Product

  beforeEach(async () => {
      testData = await createUser();

    { input:, error: false }, // TS2454: Variable  testData  is used before being assigned
    { input: "Non Existent", error: true },
  ].forEach(({ input, error }) => 
    it('Test Query', async () => {
      const client = createApolloTestClient();
      const res = await client.query<{userFound: boolean}, {id: string}>({
        query: ProductQuery,
        variables: {id: input}

How can I refactor this to make it work?


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