Access ContractFactory in web3-react

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I'm using web3-react@^5.0.5 to interact with web3 from my react app. I can connect to metamask just fine.

I set the library to ethers.js and connected to metmask. Connecting worked fine, but almost none of ethers.js's methods are there. For example, useWeb3Context().library.ContractFactory doesn't exist.

Is this normal?


Root component:

  return (
    <Web3Provider connectors={connectors} libraryName="ethers.js">

connectors object:

const { InjectedConnector } = Connectors;

// Initially support Ropsten and Mainnet
const MetaMask = new InjectedConnector({ supportedNetworks: [1, 3] });

export const connectors = { MetaMask };


function SubComponent() {
  const web3 = useWeb3Context();

  function connect() { /* Connect to MetaMask, works fine */ }

  async function deployContract() {
    // Fails:
    // TypeError: web3.library.ContractFactory is not a constructor
    const factory = new web3.library.ContractFactory(ABI, BINARY);

  return (/* ... */);

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