I´m trying to access the Information on a Mifare Smartcard(iso14443A) over a Omnikey 5321 CL reader. I tried to use the smartcard lib, but it uses an other iso standard. For accessing the Card I have to set a Application ID ( 3x hex), a key (32 int), keyid (hex).
Access a SmartCard iso14443A with Node.js
635 views Asked by Troy At
There are 2 answers
I am busy with similar process, however after searching I found this example:
In fact I actually got this one working
It returns the following:
ACS ACR122 0 card detected {
atr: <Buffer 3b 8f 80 01 80 4f 0c a0 00 00 03 06 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 6a>,
standard: 'TAG_ISO_14443_3',
type: 'TAG_ISO_14443_3',
uid: '767aec7e'
You can still use smartcard lib, but you have to configure the reader to use the MIFARE mode instead of the T-CL variant of 14443 protocol.
If I remember corectly, the Omnikey workbench provides a graphical configuration tool for that purpose.
I strongly recommend to study Omnikey contactless smart card readers developer guide, especially the section MIFARE emulation mode, for serious work.
(I have no idea, what a one byte Application ID means in Mifare context, and what value 3x is supposed to represent.)