I am trying to create a Pushdown Automata checking in Haskell. Basically, a function which takes (start_state, final_state, set_of_rules) and a string
. It should return Accepted
if the string is accepted by this PDA and Rejected
This is what I have so far:
type Transition = ((Int,String,String),(Int,String))
type Configuration = (Int,String,String)
type PDA = (Int,[Int],[Transition])
data Result = Accept | Reject | Jj deriving Show
run :: PDA -> String -> [Result]
run (ss,fs,tr) xs = runs (ss,fs,tr) (ss,xs,"")
runs :: PDA -> Configuration -> [Result]
-- When string and stack empty accept
runs _ (_,[],[]) = [Accept]
-- If string empty and stack not empty, reject
runs _ (_,[],_) = [Reject]
runs z@(ss,fs,tt) (cs,(x:xs),st) = [runs z (d,xs,e) | m@((a,b,c),(d,e)) <- [xf | xf@((a,b,c),(d,e)) <- tt, a == cs, b == [x]]]
The very last line is where my logic breaks I'd like to explain it a bit:
[xf | xf@((a,b,c),(d,e)) <- tt, a == cs, b == [x]]
This takes a set of rules (tt) and lists all rules I could possibly use where the current state (cs) and head of my string match. This works perfectly and lists all possible moves. I'd like to take every element of this list and run it through this function again. When I reach my base case I return Accept or Reject based on the stack state.
What I am expecting to see is a list full of Reject
because I am not actually working with the stack yet.
I keep getting Couldn't match type ‘[Result]’ with ‘Result’
compile error all the time and I just can't fix it. Any help is really appreciated
The problem is that in the recursive clause:
You violate a type contract. Indeed
is supposed to return a list ofResult
s. But here in your expression you construct a list of outcomes ofruns
(well a list ofruns z (d, xs, e)
, this thus means that this list comprehension is constructing a list of list ofResults
, not a list of results.We thus need to "concatenate" these sublists into one flat list, for example with
concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
, with: