AbstractItemModel to QML Route

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I have a set of QPointF in MarkerModel which subclasses from AbstractListModel. Each such marker have a status, depending on which they are colored. I want to draw all these markers on the map along with a polyline that connects all the points that have a specific status. And I will update the model from C++ side. This is my QML

Map {
    id: map
    anchors.fill: parent
    plugin: mapPlugin
    center: QtPositioning.coordinate(22.5726, 88.3639)
    zoomLevel: 14

    MapItemView {
        model: markerModel
        // delegate: markerDelegate // markerDelegate works
        delegate: routeDelegate // routeDelegate does not work

    Component {
        id: markerDelegate

            anchorPoint: Qt.point(2.5, 2.5)
            coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(position.x, position.y)
            zoomLevel: 0
            sourceItem: Rectangle{
                width:  settings.marker_size;
                height: settings.marker_size;
                radius: settings.marker_size/2;
                color:  settings.marker_colors[status]
                border.color: "white"
                border.width: 1
        id: routeDelegate

            route: markerModel
            line.color: "blue"
            line.width: 5
            smooth: true
            opacity: 0.8

I actually want both, the points and the polyline on the scene. However as I don't know how to put both of them in the scene I was first trying to show the points from the model using markerDelegate, which worked. Now I want to view these points as a polyline with routeDelegate. But it complains

Unable to assign MarkerModel to QDeclarativeGeoRoute


There are 1 answers

Pa_ On

If you source MapRoute from a RouteModel through a MapItemView, you always assign routeData to route. routeData is the role that RouteModel exposes, to let you access the Route elements.

Now, for your specific case, it seems that MapRoute is unsuitable. The best approach seems to me to have 2 separate models: one exposing one js array per row, that you assign to the path property of a MapPolyline delegate, and one exposing one QGeoCoordinate per row (so many more rows), that you will use with a MapCircle or a MapQuickItem delegate