AAD connect provisioning credentials

133 views Asked by At

How can I find the credentials for this?

enter image description here

Please see image below.


There are 1 answers

Venkat V On

I Tried to reproduce the same in my environment to connect using GMSA

First install ACTIVE DIRECTORY DOMAIN SERVICES and create service account for windows server using the below powershell.

Before executing the powershell script, kindly create one Security name GMSA-Test

PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword is Security Group Name

    Import-module ActiveDirectory
    Add-KdsRootKey -EffectiveTime ((get-date).addhours(-10))
New-ADServiceAccount <youraccountname> -DNSHostName ITFarm1.contoso.com -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword <GMSA-Test> -KerberosEncryptionType RC4, AES128, AES256 -ServicePrincipalNames http/ITFarm1.contoso.com/contoso.com, http/ITFarm1.contoso.com/contoso, http/ITFarm1/contoso.com, http/ITFarm1/contoso
  get-ADServiceAccount GMSAtest

enter image description here

Install ADServiceAccount using powershellon AAD Connect Server

Install-ADServiceAccount -Identity <youraccountname>

successfully created service account after ran the powershell commands.

enter image description here

Configure AAD connect with your Service Account.

Service Account Name: your domain\GMSAtest$ Password: PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword

enter image description here

Reference: Using Azure AD Connect with a gMSA - The things that are better left unspoken (dirteam.com)