7.1 Images field not able to open "getting ystem.Web.WebPages.WebPage error"

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I got the following error while opening images in Sitecore 7.1 which got migrated from 6.2 to 7.1:

Type 'ASP._Page_sitecore_shell_client_Speak_Layouts_Layouts_Speak_Layout_cshtml' does not inherit from 'System.Web.WebPages.WebPage'.

Can someone please help how to overcome this?


There are 3 answers

remco On

Sitecore 7.1 REQUIRES mvc to be active for SPEAK interfaces, like the image editor in your case. If you do not want MVC active, you should disable SPEAK as well..

AudioBubble On

I think I found solution for your problem. Please enabled from Website\App_Config\Include folder Sitecore.Mvc.config file .

I can replicate your error.

If I disabled it it throw me same error like on your side. Please check attached picture .

enter image description here

wildwend On

Same question here: 'ASP._Page_sitecore_shell_client_Speak_Layouts_Layouts_Speak_Layout_cshtml' does not inherit from 'System.Web.WebPages.WebPage. We ran into this problem, too, after upgrading from 6.4 to 7.1, and just had to enable the Sitecore.Mvc.config file -- Sitecore confirmed there's no harm in doing that, even if you're not using MVC, and that, in clean 7.1 installs, MVC is enabled by default.