Any ASM experts want to help explain something? I have this (commented out secondary colors):
; --- Tables for setting SCB and color tables for color --------
ENTRY logocolor
logocolor DC.W $00B0
;$ DC.W $0AD9
DC.W $0FF0
;$ DC.W $0FFB
DC.W $0F60
;$ DC.W $0FA7
DC.W $0E10
;$ DC.W $0E99
DC.W $0F0A
;$ DC.W $0E7C
DC.W $000D
;$ DC.W $0AAE
ENTRY scanbyte
scanbyte DC.B 1
DC.B 1
DC.B 1
DC.B 2
DC.B 3
DC.B 4
DC.B 5
DC.B 6
And the routine that loads the colors:
InitPalette PROC
jsr startup
ldx #7
lop200 phx Save.
lda scanbyte,x
ldy #scrnInfo
ora [<data],y
and #$00FF
phx Scan line number.
pha Scan byte value.
plx Restore counter.
bpl lop200
pea 0
jsr pushColorTable
ldx #6
ldy #10
lop202 phx Save.
phy Save.
lda logocolor,y
ldy #ColorTable+2
sta [<data],y
ldy <screenmode
beq ok202
ldy #ColorTable+10
sta [<data],y
ldy #ColorTable+18
sta [<data],y
ldy #ColorTable+26
sta [<data],y
ok202 phx Table number.
jsr pushColorTable
ply Restore.
plx Restore.
bne lop202
brl pop0bytes no error
and this results in the correct main colors in the palettes:
$E19E20: 00 00 B0 00 F0 00 FF 0F 00 00 B0 00 F0 0F FF 0F
$E19E30: 00 00 B0 00 F0 00 FF 0F 00 00 B0 00 F0 0F FF 0F
$E19E40: 00 00 F0 0F F0 00 FF 0F 00 00 F0 0F F0 0F FF 0F
However, when I uncomment my secondary colors, and try loading them into the ColorTable, say by adding:
ldy #ColorTable+3
sta [<data],y
…I'm shifting things around in ways I'm not expecting. I need to have the secondary colors loaded immediately following the primary like:
$E19E20: 00 00 B0 00 D9 0A FF 0F 00 00 B0 00 D9 0A FF 0F
Looking at this a bit more, I mapped out what's going on (think) in the code comments. I'm completely new to asm…
ldx #6 ;I thnink this is keeping track of each line of the logo
ldy #22 ;this used to be 10, but we have 6 more colors
lop202 phx Save.
phy Save.
;each time we loop back y is decreased by 2, x by 1
lda logocolor,y ; Load defined color value in the table, using y as index into a
ldy #ColorTable+2 ; Load value of ColorTable + 2
sta [<data],y ; Store read defined color
;--- here we need some operation to get the next color in the table -----
ldy #ColorTable+4 ; then load value of ColorTable + 4
sta [<data],y ; Store read defined color from our imagary operation
ldy <screenmode
beq ok202
;640 mode??? Yes, most certainly is for 640 mode. Need to add the second color here as well.
ldy #ColorTable+10
sta [<data],y
ldy #ColorTable+18
sta [<data],y
ldy #ColorTable+26
sta [<data],y
ok202 phx Table number.
jsr pushColorTable
ply Restore.
plx Restore.
bne lop202
brl pop0bytes no error
But I need something in the ;--- here we need some operation to get the next color in the table ----- space…
but I'm out of registers…
So what should I do?
Or does this all need to be refactored for efficiency instead of trying to jam in loading another value off the table?