503 Service Unavailable from manageiq docker container

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My Manageiq docker container(manageiq/manageiq:fine-1) throws the following error messsage. My OS is windows 10. The ref site is link. The environmental variables are all default. But this url https://localhost:8443 throws the below error message all the time.

503 Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Do I have to arrange some settings of manageiq docker container or miss another procedure?


Below are contents of evm.log

[----] E, [2017-06-01T10:21:19.879539 #229:2b15ca7b9138] ERROR -- : MIQ(MiqServer#start_algorithm_used_swap_percent_lt_value) Not allowing worker [MiqUiWorker] to start since system memory usage has exceeded 60% of swap: Total: [1073737728], Used: [806916096]
[----] I, [2017-06-01T10:21:20.296858 #477:2b15ca7b9138]  INFO -- : MIQ(MiqScheduleWorker::Runner#do_work) Number of scheduled items to be processed: 5.
[----] I, [2017-06-01T10:21:20.367275 #477:2b15ca7b9138]  INFO -- : MIQ(MiqQueue.put) Message id: [149],  id: [], Zone: [default], Role: [], Server: [df317222-46b2-11e7-91b1-0242ac110002], Ident: [generic], Target id: [], Instance id: [], Task id: [], Command: [MiqServer.status_update], Timeout: [600], Priority: [20], State: [ready], Deliver On: [], Data: [], Args: []

I think I have to modify the configuration of ManageIQ docker to avoid this error. But i have no idea.


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