503 Error with vertx applicatoin

532 views Asked by At

I am uploading my first vertx project to Openshift. The vertx project runs fine on my laptop.

When I push it using git to openshift and try to load a webpage I get a 503 error.

I did rhc tail:

==> vertx/logs/console.log <==
GOT CONFIG: {"index_page":"index.html","host":"localhost","port":443,"ssl":true,
/usr/bin/tail: vertx/logs/vertx.log: file truncated

==> vertx/logs/console.log <==
Succeeded in deploying verticle

==> vertx/logs/vertx.log <==
[vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] 2014-11-29T13:58:43.786-05:00 INFO [org.vertx.java.p
latform.impl.cli.Starter]  Succeeded in deploying verticle

==> vertx/logs/console.log <==
colo: Connector deployed

Which all looks like it is fine.

Please can you help in any way?

Many thanks James


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