2-staged compilation of Kotlin code with kotlin-maven-plugin

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I have a Kotlin maven-based project, compiled with kotlin-maven-plugin. My project structure looks like following:

+- src/gen/kotlin
+- src/main/kotlin
  • src/gen/kotlin contains sources that will generate other source files.
  • src/main/kotlin contains main project sources.

I want to run a 2-staged compilation during maven build:

  1. compile only the generator sources from src/gen/kotlin, presumably bound to process-sources phase. I will then use maven-exec-plugin to execute the compiled generator.
  2. compile everything from src/main/kotlin + the output of the generator.

I tried to create 2 separate executions inside kotlin-maven-plugin:

            <configuration >

The trouble is that my parent pom defines


This build.sourceDirectory then gets appended to my codegen execution even though I explicitly configure src/gen/kotlin as a sourceDir:

> mvn -X clean process-sources
[DEBUG] Loading mojo org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-maven-plugin:1.8.22:compile from plugin realm ClassRealm[plugin>org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-maven-plugin:1.8.22, parent: jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@42110406]
[DEBUG] Configuring mojo execution 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-maven-plugin:1.8.22:compile:codegen' with basic configurator -->
[DEBUG]   (f) classpath = ...
[DEBUG]   (f) output = <path>/target/classes
[DEBUG]   (f) sourceDirs = [<path>/src/gen/kotlin]
[DEBUG] Compiling Kotlin sources from [<path>/src/gen/kotlin, <path</src/main/kotlin]

Is there a way to achieve my desired 2-staged compilation without having to go with submodules? Maybe there's a way to ignore / exclude the default build source directory for a particular execution?


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