I'm trying to authenticate against a custom server (not mine) that supposedly accepts both 2-legged and 3-legged authentication. Since I'm authenticating my server app against this server, I guess 2-legged is best suited here. I just need to store the auth token for future calls and when it expires, repeat the process, obviously.
Thus, following this tutorial and this other tutorial, I created my Scribe uber simple client:
OAuthService service = new ServiceBuilder()
OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.GET, "http://orion.lab.fi-ware.eu:1026/version");
Token accessToken = new Token("", "");
String pepe = accessToken.toString();
service.signRequest(accessToken, request);
Response response = request.send();
ret = response.getBody();
The response from server always is:
Auth-token not found in request header
Given that message, I'm not sure if I have to include the auth-token in the request...if so...any idea how?
On the other hand, I have a Javacript client that is capable of doing this authentication, mainly composed of three files: config.js, oauth.js and server.js (It uses Node and express). Check it here. This client seems to be doing 3-legged auth, though.
Any ideas? Thoughts?
I set the signatureType(SignatureType.Header) on service, and used 2 legged provider example class SimpleGeoApi; it worked for me!